I kept looking for the magic scene but maybe it was never filmed. TLC had a two hour long documentary The Kennedys, Home Movies last night, narrated by Stockard Channing. And it was powerful, seeing so much promise and tragedy condensed into two hours.
Bill Murphy was there and saw it, so this is his story, and I’d like for him to come claim it. He was a beginning copywriter at JWT, like me, in those Mad Men days and we were friends in the same creative group. Bill heard Bobby Kennedy was coming to speak in Harlem so he got on t he subway and went to look for himself.
When he got out at 125th street, he found a big crowd around Bobby. A white man in a sea of black faces. It was Kennedy’s first visit to Harlem and his speech was not going well. The crowd was silent, skeptical. Kennedy’s flat nasal New England tones sounded alien, wrong, like what the hell did he know about Harlem?
So Kennedy said, “would you like to sing a song?” "Anybody want to sing a song?" No response. Bobby Kennedy was a brave man. There was no band, of course, and no music to sing to. He sang, “WE SHALL OVERCOME.” his tuneless New England voice sailed right past the crowd. He sang the second line, “WE SHALL OVERCOME.” No response. He persevered, “WE SHALL OVERCOME SOMEDAY AY AY AY AYYY.”
Murphy had the suspicion that this could turn ugly. The crowd was not buying a white man singing their song on their street.
Incredibly Bobby Kennedy started the second verse. “WE’LL WALK HAND IN HAND.” Nothing, no response. He sang the second line, “WE’LL WALK HAND IN HAND,” and a couple of voices joined in. By the time he got to the end of the verse the whole crowd was singing with all their heart, recognizing a great heart was there on their street that afternoon.
You can’t help but think, this would have been a better, different country if they hadn’t shot Jack and Bobby and Martin Luther King.
"This is a generous and compassionate country, that's what I want a country to stand for, not bias, not laws, not disorder, but compassion and love and peace. That's what this country should stand for and that's what I intend to do." RFK